13 February, 2009

Valentine's Day for Nurse Sharks




Valentine's Day is over. This was what I got from Petty. It looked more like a wedding bouquet than flowers for Valentine's Day. Bearbear said it well," Auntie Cherry's boyfriend gave her red roses. How come papa gave you white tulips?"

My presents for Petty were Belgian chocolate truffles and a pair of Italian shoes. He loves Italian shoes and Swiss chocolates but too bad I couldn't get hold of Swiss chocolates at the last hour. But Godiva is not bad, right?

Thanks everyone for commenting here. And a big thank you to Uncle Lee who was kind enough to shower me with lots and lots of expensive gifts on Valentine's Day.



Monica said...

Hi Angie! Happy Valentine's Day! *HUGS*

Unknown said...

I so love your photo.

Love is everywhere isn't it:)

Have a very nice day!

eastcoastlife said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Angie!

LEon said...

Happy Valentine day!

Lee said...

Hi Angie,
work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching....

Life is a challenge....meet it.
Life is a song...sing it.
Life is a dream...realize it.
Life is a game...play it.
Life is love, enjoy it.

Happy Valentine, Lee.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

GagayMD said...

happy valentines day ms. angie!


SirMack said...

Happy Valentines Day, Angie.

Anonymous said...

Happy V-Day Angie! I hope you had a great one!

Anonymous said...

A couple of days too late but happy Valentine's nevertheless, Angie.


GagayMD said...


missin' those lovely photos here ms. angie!


Monica said...

Hi Angie, let's play along with the photo meme tag!

Bill said...

Hey Angie sorry about that. Here is where i am at. Have a great weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

What happened to you ah? No updates.

Godiva chocs is delicious!

Anonymous said...

I love how the flowers were wrapped. I wish they wrapped flowers like this in the States. I remember working in a flower shop and a Frenchman came in and the florist was so confused!

Kikit said...

the white tulips are perfect. never mind other comments. lol. :)

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Hello! Just dropping by!
Cool blog! Really into travel blogs!

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Are all nurse sharks fairly docile or should I avoid them?

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